Flying Leap 3D
Developing guidance control code that uses the Leap device for user input.
Live Demos
Live Demo #5: FGx Plane Spotter ~ Leap
Live Demo #4: unFlatland ~ Leap
Live Demo #3: Barfolina Pavillion
- Worth a visit
- The entire pavilion - except for the sculpture - is created by procedures. This is the modern way of designing - which we are calling 'archieCode'.
Live Demo #2: Castle
- A test of loading an OBJ file into Three.js.
- Note the castle - which is the static OBJ file - also refreshes its colors with each reload.
Live Demo #1: Flying Leap 3D
- The landscape along with the placement of the trees is controlled by an algebraic function. Note the refresh of colors with each reload.
Built for Nicolás Berríos of Iquique, Chile
The proposal is to build an app for the Leap Motion device that allows you to 'fly' over Iquique harbor.
But how to fly using just one hand? These demos are testing grounds for learning how to fly
- and, more importantly, for us to learn good ways of teaching people how to fly.
Other things we are working on an updated First Person camera controller for Three.js.
Leap.js + Three.js: a Leaped first person camera controller
Demos: Status and Issues
See the readme in each demo's folder for more details and status of issues
Leap Actions
Hand open over Leap device:
- Supports the following FirstPersonControls parameters: moveLeft, moveRight, moveUp, moveUp, moveForward, moveBackword
- Supports pitch and yaw via Three.js lat and lon parameters
- Making fist restricts camera movement to lat and lon only
- Supports Freeze all interaction toggle via a swipe gesture.
New First Person Control Mouse Actions
- The fork supports all the standard Three.js First Person Control functions
- The fork supports the following additions:
- Turning the scroll wheel controls the speed of movementSpeed and lookSpeed << This feature is wonderful. Try it!
- When a mouse button is not being pressed the scroll wheel updates lookSpeed.
- When a mouse button is being pressed, the scroll wheel updates movementSpeed
- Clicking the scroll wheel toggles Freeze on and off.
New First Person Control Keyboard Commands
The following new keyboard commands are added to the fork:
switch ( event.keyCode ) {
case 32: /*spacebar*/ this.freeze = !this.freeze; break;
case 33: /*page up*/ this.moveUp = true; break;
case 34: /*page down*/ this.moveDown = true; break;
case 36: /*home*/ this.lookSpeed = 0; += 1.0; break;
case 35: /*end*/ this.lookSpeed = 0; -= 1.0; break;
case 188: /*< or ,*/ this.lookSpeed = 0; this.lon -= 0.5; break;
case 190: /*> or .*/ this.lookSpeed = 0; this.lon += 0.5; break;
Copyright and License
Copyright © 2013 Jaanga authors
MIT License
Change Log
2013-10-26 ~ Theo
- Update Readme
- Fix Castle 3D loading issues
2013-09-02 ~ Theo
2013-08-29 ~ Theo
- barofolina pavillion demo added
2013-08-26 ~ Theo
2013-08-24 ~ Theo
- Folders and files added
- Updates a forked Three.js FirstPersonControls
- Adds freeze and speed controls via mousewheel
- Adds more keyboard commands
- hand2Go2 HTML/JS file is a test bed.
- Adds Leap interaction with FPController
- Provides for XYZ movement plus pitch, yaw and freeze